About Us
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Robert J. Havey, MD Institute for Global Health unifies two growing and successful entities, the Global Health Initiative Fund and the Center for Global Health, formerly a part of the Institute for Public Health and Medicine (IPHAM).
The Institute for Global Health continues to focus on the three major areas that the Center for Global Health supported: 1) student, resident, fellow, and faculty education in global health; 2) coordination and support of faculty to carry out global health research; and 3) partnership building and clinical outreach to partner communities.
The investment and increased interest in global health across the University sparked an interest amongst faculty in benchmarking the Institute’s strengths and weaknesses and in developing a plan to help guide the focus and the work of the Institute for the next five years. View our Strategic Plan below.
Practicing medicine in the 21st century requires a broad knowledge of health issues faced around the world. No disease can be confined by a national border or ocean."
Executive Director, Havey Institute for Global Health
Read message from the executive director

The disparity in access to healthcare around the world is unnecessary and unsustainable. The Robert J. Havey, MD Institute for Global Health will utilize innovative research, evidence-based clinical care and comprehensive education to turn the tide on the global health crises of today, helping secure a better world for all of us tomorrow."
Deputy Director, Havey Institute for Global Health
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